Podcast Update in Chicago

Ice Cream for Everyone Podcast
Ice Cream for Everyone Podcast
Podcast Update in Chicago

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Apologies for the long hiatus and lack of updates about the Ice Cream for Everyone Podcast! I took a few months off publishing for the show after one recording didn’t work the way I wanted and then I’ve been traveling in the United States for the past few months. Now I’m settling in Chicago it’s about time I update you with what’s happening.

The other main point to this update is to share the elevator pitch of what the Ice Cream for Everyone Podcast is all about. A friend told me the show seemed to lack a main theme or topic, so I thought about it and this is what I came up with:

Ice cream comes in many exciting flavours, and so does creativity. When creating, we use our existing knowledge, experiences, inspiration, intuition and flair to create newly.

I find the process of what and how human beings create endlessly fascinating.

In the Ice Cream for Everyone Podcast I have candid conversations with creative professionals to talk about their lives, explore where their ideas, creations and designs come from, what inspires them and how they shape that in the variety of activities and careers they take on.

I might tweak and refine this first version though for now it encapsulates the way I see the show and the reason I publish it pretty well. Naturally the kinds of guests i’ve had on the show so far and will likely keep having operate and create in areas I’m interested and have on my radar, hence featuring guests in advertising, gaming and design for example.

Thank you for your patience with the show, future updates are coming and of course I’m always happy to have recommendations for guests you think I could be reaching out to and have a recorded conversation with as well.

About the author

Willem was born in New York, grew up in Paris, lived in London and Asia for several years before moving to Chicago in 2017. He is an award winning brand & marketing strategist, having worked with some of the largest creative advertising agencies and most valuable consumer brands globally. Willem enjoys tabletop games, skiing, scuba-diving, traveling, eating, and lengthy conversations with friends.